The Walk@Work programme is a preventive tool to help working-age sedentary patients adopt an active and healthy lifestyle.

If, as a health practitioner, you wish to prescribe and recommend voluntary participation to your patients in the Walk@Work programme and obtain more information, please contact us by filling out the form below and sending it to We will give you an answer as soon as possible.


    If you want to improve your health and feel better, if you want to apply the Walk@Work programme in your daily work and receive more information, please contact us by using the form found below and sending it to We will give you an answer as soon as possible.


      The Walk@Work program is a preventive tool to improve the health of workers pursuant to the guidelines for workplace safety and health and everything related to workers’ health monitoring and quality of life (Law 31/1995 on Prevention of Occupational Risks and OHSAS 18001 safety and health management systems).

      If your health prevention service (third-party or in-house) or your department of occupational risk prevention and active prevention policies wishes to recommend employees’ voluntary participation in the Walk@Work programme and obtain more information, please contact us using the form below and sending it to We will give you an answer as soon as possible.

      If you prefer, we can offer you an associated service that analyses the impact of preventive strategies linked to the Walk@Work programme based on employees’ general health trend data (e.g., cholesterol levels). The data will be treated anonymously and confidentially.
